Nakapulot ang Babaeng ito ng Cellphone sa Jeep, Ngunit di nya Kinaya Matapos nyang Kalkalin ang Loob Nito

What would you do if you found a missing cellphone? Most people would probably leave it or immediately return it to the owner. However, there are others whose curiosity got ahead of them. In those cases, they might discover unexpected secrets on the cellphone!

This is what happened to a woman named Christine Guaves. In a viral Facebook post, Christine narrated the story of how she picked up a missing phone. Apparently, one passenger in the jeepney left his phone behind. It was Christine who picked it up but by that time, the owner was nowhere to be found.

She kept the phone on for the slim chance that the owner will call. However, several hours have passed but the mysterious owner still hasn’t called the phone. Christine attempted to contact the people listed on the phone, but to her surprise, the phone doesn’t have a single contact.

A phone with no contact is odd, so she got curious and decided to inspect it. After a little fiddling with the phone, Christine found the reason why she can’t view its contents. She then changed it and afterward, the secret of the phone revealed itself!

It turns out that the phone has contacts listed, many in fact. However, there’s one catch: all of the contacts are named “Babe1” up to “Babe12!” The owner of the phone must’ve used it for texting with many girls at the same time. Whoever he might be, we’re sure that he’s up to no good.

While some people on social media found it funny, others had a different take on this. Some chose the high road and advised Christine to blow the cover and inform the girls. On the other hand, there are other people who admired the owner’s foolproof plan.

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The post Nakapulot ang Babaeng ito ng Cellphone sa Jeep, Ngunit di nya Kinaya Matapos nyang Kalkalin ang Loob Nito appeared first on Sasafeed.

Source: Sasa Feed

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