FACT-CHECK: Facebook post falsely previews Cebu-Bohol project using California bridge photo

CLAIM: Photo showing proposed  Cebu-Bohol Bridge 


A Facebook post misused the SkyWay Bridge in California to illustrate the proposed bridge connecting Cordova in Cebu to Bohol Island.

The post includes a caption “PROPOSED CEBU-BOHOL BRIDGE” along with an aerial shot of the SkyWay Bridge taken on May 3, 2006 and uploaded to Flickr.

No disclaimers were included in the caption. The post also did not acknowledge the source of the photo.

There is still no photo or blueprint of the proposed bridge project released to the public.

The misleading post has gained over 18,000 reactions, 2,200 comments, and 3,100 shares as of writing. Zarena Hermogeno

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